Vintage Posters

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Price : $150.00
A color plate from an exquisite book called Les Programmes Illustres, by Ernest Maindron, published in 1897, by Librairie Nilsson-Per Lamm, Paris purchased at auction, and  More »
 Vintage Posters
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Price : $205.00
Color plates from an exquisite book called Les Programmes Illustres, by Ernest Maindron, published in 1897, by Librairie Nilsson-Per Lamm, Paris purchased at auction, and  More »
 Vintage Posters
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Price : $135.00
A color plate from an exquisite book called Les Programmes Illustres, by Ernest Maindron, published in 1897, by Librairie Nilsson-Per Lamm, Paris purchased at auction, and  More »
 Vintage Posters
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Price : $135.00
 Vintage Posters
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Price : $45.00
This is an original 1922 tipped in mini poster, designed by the prodigiously talented Edward Penfield: ''Some of ht e larger publishing houses (notably Harper''s) were the  More »
 Vintage Posters
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Price : $45.00
This is an original 1922 tipped in mini poster, designed by the prodigiously talented Edward Penfield: ''Some of ht e larger publishing houses (notably Harper''s) were the  More »
 Vintage Posters
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Price : $45.00
This is an original 1922 tipped in mini poster, designed by the prodigiously talented Edward Penfield: ''Some of the larger publishing houses (notably Harper''s) were the  More »
 Vintage Posters
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Price : $35.00
This is an original 1922 tipped in mini poster, designed by the prodigiously talented Edward Penfield: ''Some of the larger publishing houses (notably Harper''s) were the  More »
 Vintage Posters
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Price : $35.00
This is an original 1922 tipped in mini poster, designed by the prodigiously talented Edward Penfield: ''Some of the larger publishing houses (notably Harper''s) were the  More »
 Vintage Posters
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Price : $125.00
A color plate from an exquisite book called Les Programmes Illustres, by Ernest Maindron, published in 1897, by Librairie Nilsson-Per Lamm, Paris purchased at auction, and  More »
 Vintage Posters
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