Ancient Near East

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Price : $1800.00
In the time of the patriarch Abraham, this vessel might have held ointments or perfumes, or perhaps an offering of wine or honey. In Genesis it says that Abraham anointed  More »
 Ancient Near East
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Price : $5000.00
Created during the age of the biblical patriarchs, this simple but charming vessel glows with the rich patina of history. Who can say through whose hands it might have passed  More »
 Ancient Near East
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In the history of the ancient world, Bactria is somewhat of an anomaly: a Greek kingdom located in modern Afghanistan. When Alexander the Great conquered the Persian Empire,  More »
 Ancient Near East
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Price : $750.00
In Israel, as in other ancient nations, it was customary to dedicate persons or objects to sacred use by anointing them with oil. Thus Samuel anointed Saul king, as Moses had  More »
 Ancient Near East
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Price : $600.00
In Israel, as in other ancient kingdoms, it was customary to dedicate persons or objects to sacred use by anointing them with oil. Thus Samuel anointed Saul king, as Moses  More »
 Ancient Near East
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Price : $2500.00
In Israel, as in other ancient nations, it was customary to dedicate persons or objects to sacred use by anointing them with oil. Thus Samuel anointed Saul king, as Moses had  More »
 Ancient Near East
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Price : $1800.00
In Israel, as in other ancient nations, it was customary to dedicate persons or objects to sacred use by anointing them with oil. Thus Samuel anointed Saul king, as Moses had  More »
 Ancient Near East
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Price : $1500.00
In Israel, as in other ancient nations, it was customary to dedicate persons or objects to sacred use by anointing them with oil. Thus Samuel anointed Saul king, as Moses had  More »
 Ancient Near East
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Price : $1200.00
In the time of the patriarch Abraham, this vessel might have held ointments or perfumes, or perhaps an offering of wine or honey. In Genesis it says that Abraham anointed  More »
 Ancient Near East
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Price : $1800.00
In the time of the patriarch Abraham, this vessel might have held ointments or perfumes, or perhaps an offering of wine or honey. In Genesis it says that Abraham anointed  More »
 Ancient Near East
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