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Price : $15.00
GREAT REFERENCE BOOK ON DOLLS... features the 250 year history of dolls dating back from 1700 to 1975. Over 200 pages. Condition: excellent; Circa: 1993; Heigth: 11.25'';  More »
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Price : $15.00
''ELMER''S PRICE GUIDE TO TOYS - VOLUME 1''... over 100 pages of color photos and toy values. Condition: Very Good; Circa: 1989; Heigth: 11''; Width: 8.5''
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Price : $20.00
''MODERN COLLECTOR''S DOLLS''... a great reference book for dolls of the mid 20th century. Over 330 pages of illustrations and prices. Condition: Good; Circa: 1975; Heigth:  More »
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Price : $13.00
''ELMER''S PRICE GUIDE TO TOYS - VOLUME 3''... over 100 pages of color photos and toy values. Library discard, and marked as such, but still in very good condition.  More »
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Price : $19.50
A BOOK ON THE HISTORY OF POMPEII & HERCULANEUM... a great reference on the art, artifacts, and antiquities of ancient Pompeii & Herculaneum that were both destroyed by Mount  More »
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Price : $11.50
EXCELLENT REFERENCE BOOK ON ORIENTAL RUG COLLECTING - Soft Cover. 100 illustrations, 11 full-color. (From 1913 Edition) Very large softcover. A great book!! Condition: Very  More »
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Price : $15.00
GREAT REFERENCE BOOK ON ORIENTAL CARPETS... 157 pages; 66 plates in full color. Good condition, but the book was a library discard, and is marked as such. Also, the book  More »
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Price : $19.50
GREAT REFERENCE BOOK ON LACEWORK - 208 pages; illustrations from black & white photographs. Contains a section on the history of lace and lace-making as well as an extensive  More »
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Price : $22.50
''OUT-OF-PRINT'' REFERENCE BOOK ON AMERICAN SILVER-256 PAGES - A survey of American silver from the seventeenth to the early twentieth centuries, with an introductory  More »
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Price : $45.00
GREAT REFERENCE BOOK ON JAPANESE LACQUERWORK - Lavishly illustrated with photographs of outstanding examples of lacquerwork; this book is an English translation by Annie R.  More »
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