Antique Paper Items

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Price : $20.00
Sun-Maid Baseball Ad. Black; white; red. Paper. This full page ad is titled, "On the Nose! Had Your Iron Today?" It shows a baseball player whos just hit the ball. It shows  More »
 Antique Paper Items
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Price : $5.00
Advertisements from the New England Homestead. Black; white. Paper. This page of ads includes, The Worcester-Buckeye, The Bell System, Chicopee Tedder, and Badger Gasoline  More »
 Antique Postcards
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Price : $30.00
American Agriculturist, January, 1870. Black; white;tan. Paper. This complete original issue contains many wood engravings including botanicals, farm machinery and animals.
 Antique Postcards
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Price : $5.00
Engraving from The New Varieties. Black; white. Paper. This engraving is titled, "How The Public Guardians In New York Attend To business--A Scene In Union Square." It shows  More »
 Antique Paper Items
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Price : $5.00
Advertisements from McClures', January, 1905. Black; white. Paper. The ads include, Pacific Mail S. S. Co. and Michigan Central.
 Antique Advertising
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Price : $900.00
Pl. III. Constellation Map for March February and January. Black; white; multi. Paper. This plate shows the Equinoctial, Solstitial Colure and the Earths Orbit. It includes  More »
 Antique Postcards
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Price : $300.00
Pl. I. Solar System. Black; white. Paper. This double page engraving is titled, "A Plan of the Solar System Exhibiting Its Relative Magnitudes and Distances." It is marked,  More »
 Antique Maps
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Price : $900.00
Pl. IV. Map for June, May and April. Black; white; multi. Paper. This hand-colored, engraved map shows the stars and constellations of Bootes, Leo Minor, Leo , Berenices  More »
 Antique Postcards
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Price : $40.00
Landseer Engraving from Harper's Bazar. Black; white. Paper. This centerfold is titled, "Jack In Office." From The Painting by the Late Sir Edwin Landseer. It shows an old  More »
 Antique Postcards
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Price : $40.00
Western Engraving from Frank Leslie's Weekly. Black; white. Paper. This centerfold is titled, "Cattle-Herding In New Mexico--Heading Off A Break From The Trail.--Drawn by Dan  More »
 Antique Postcards
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