Antique Figures & Portraits

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Antique #1076501
Antique #4333
Antique #1079181
Antique #18150
Antique #37116
Antique #32392
Antique #1082627
Antique #1104711
Antique #1047498
Antique #1079198
Antique #1088910
Antique #1147050
Antique #1045749
Antique #1050686
Antique #31375
Antique #1112840
Antique #1112818
Antique #1045185
Antique #1126226
Antique #1071281
Antique #1048820
Antique #1069838
Antique #1087741
Antique #1082073
Antique #1047497
Antique #1080111
Antique #1079197
Antique #1079714
Antique #1115500
Antique #1104240
Antique #26919
Antique #1082601
Antique #1073945
Antique #1143798
Antique #38770
Antique #33584
Antique #1089094
Antique #1076141
Antique #1080430
Antique #1076366
Antique #1050450
Antique #1087716
Antique #1061819
Antique #1119600
Antique #27111
Antique #1079670
Antique #31416
Antique #36656
Antique #1076132
Antique #3508
Antique #1045537
Antique #1128938



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The second option is "Anywhere in Title". Using the same search phrase "federal card table" you will get search results that have those three words in the title, in any order. This is a looser search result and will generally return more items.

When deciding on a search phrase keep in mind that your phrase must be in the title of an item in our database in order for your search to generate results.

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