Antique Advertising

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Price : $35.00
Advertising Trade Card, Cologne. Multi; silver leaf. Cardstock. This folded, chromolithographed card is titled, "Dream of the Cossack." It shows a mounted Cossack on one side  More »
 Antique Advertising
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Price : $20.00
Advertising Trade Card, Sewing Machine. Multi. Cardstock. This card shows a man and woman in Medieval dress. Hes carving a heart into a tree. It is marked, "500,000 White  More »
 Antique Advertising
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Price : $50.00
Advertising Trade Card, Carriage. Multi. Cardstock. This card shows three mares, a foal and chickens, 845. The back has a lithograph of a horse cart. It reads, "Road Carts.,  More »
 Antique Advertising
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Price : $20.00
Advertising Trade Card, Stove. Multi. Cardstock. This card shows two children and is marked, Garland Stoves and Ranges. The back describes the stove and is marked, The  More »
 Antique Advertising
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Price : $40.00
Advertising Trade Card, Piano. Multi. Cardstock. This card shows a Victorian woman standing next to an upright piano, a picture of the factory hangs above it. It is marked,  More »
 Antique Advertising
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Price : $15.00
Advertising Trade Card, Coffee. Multi. Cardstock. This card has a scenic front. The back reads, "Heekins Manilla Coffee. Jas. Heeking & Co., Cincinnati."
 Antique Advertising
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Price : $2.00
Advertising Trade Card, Food. Multi. Cardstock. This card shows a young boy and girl. It is for yeast and has been cutout.
 Antique Advertising
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Price : $2.00
Advertising Trade Card, Food. Multi. Cardstock. This cutout card shows a rose and house in a winter scene. The back is marked, "Magic Yeast, E. W. Gellett, Chicago.
 Antique Advertising
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Price : $25.00
Advertising Trade Card, Medicinal. Multi. Cardstock. This card shows "Little Red-riding-Hood." The back describes Dr. Jaynes Expectorant and Sanative Pills. It is marked,  More »
 Antique Advertising
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Price : $2.00
Advertising Trade Card, Cologne. Multi. Cardstock. This card shows a boy painting on a fence with a girl watching. It reads, "This card is perfumed with Hoyts German  More »
 Antique Advertising
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