Antique Stereocards

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Price : $14.00
SHARP & CLEAR STEREOVIEW... featuring a Victorian couple at dinner. The caption reads: ''How Biddy Served the Tomatoes Undressed'' Condition: Very Good; Circa: Circa 1900;  More »
 Antique Stereocards
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Price : $50.00
A VERY DESIRABLE COLOR STEREOVIEW... featuring SANTA CLAUS... with a few of his SPECIAL ELVES... Condition: Very Good; Circa: Circa 1900; Heigth: 3.5''; Width: 7''
 Antique Stereocards
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Price : $25.00
EXCELLENT TWO CARD STEREOVIEW SET... VIEW ONE features a couple that has fallen asleep in her parent''s Vicorian Parlor... and VIEW TWO show what happens when the parents  More »
 Antique Stereocards
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Price : $25.00
EXCELLENT TWO CARD STEREOVIEW SET... VIEW ONE features a couple in their Victorian Parlor with a young child spying on them... and VIEW TWO shows what happens when the child  More »
 Antique Stereocards
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Price : $25.00
EXCELLENT STEREOVIEW... of COMPANY E, 7th U.S. INFANTRY AT CAMP CHICKAMAUGA, GEORGIA. Sharp view showing the troops standing at attention Condition: Very Good; Circa: Circa  More »
 Antique Stereocards
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Price : $75.00
STEREOVIEW BY W. E. BOWMAN... featuring the burned remains of the Trinity Church, caused by the Great Chicago Fire, October 1871. Condition: Very Good; Circa: Circa 1880;  More »
 Antique Stereocards
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Price : $14.50
GREAT STEREOVIEW OF A VICTORIAN MARRIED COUPLE... The caption reads: ''Expected - Married Life as he pictured it (Music without Words)''. The view features a young woman  More »
 Antique Stereocards
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Price : $12.50
GREAT STEREOVIEW OF A VICTORIAN MARRIED COUPLE... The caption reads: ''Elected - HA HA HA! Last Again''. He is the last one to bed, so he has to blow out the oil lamp!  More »
 Antique Stereocards
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Price : $45.00
OLD OVERSIZED STEREOVIEW - City Top view of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Condition: Good; Circa: circa 1880; Heigth: 4''; Width: 7''
 Antique Stereocards
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Price : $35.00
OLD STEREOVIEW - featuring the Park Street Church, Boston Massachusetts Condition: Good; Circa: circa 1880; Heigth: 4''; Width: 7''
 Antique Stereocards
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