Ancient Roman

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Price : $600.00
A lamp such as this might have lit homes when the Roman Empire ruled the world. A metaphor of joy and prosperity, for hope, for life itself, lamps have illuminated the path  More »
 Ancient Roman
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Price : $180.00
A lamp such as this might have lit homes when the Roman Empire ruled the world. A metaphor for joy and prosperity, for hope, for life itself, lamps have illumninated the path  More »
 Ancient Roman
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Price : $750.00
A lamp such as this might have lit homes when the Roman Empire ruled the world. A metaphor of joy and prosperity, for hope, for life itself, lamps have illuminated the path  More »
 Ancient Roman
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Price : $750.00
In Israel, as in other ancient nations, it was customary to dedicate persons or objects to sacred use by anointing them with oil. Thus Samuel anointed Saul king, as Moses had  More »
 Ancient Roman
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Price : $500.00
A lamp such as this might have lit homes when the Roman Empire ruled the world. A metaphor of joy and prosperity, for hope, for life itself, lamps have illuminated the path  More »
 Ancient Roman
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Price : $1500.00
A lamp such as this might have lit homes when the Roman Empire ruled the world. A metaphor of joy and prosperity, for hope, for life itself, lamps have illuminated the path  More »
 Ancient Roman
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Price : $500.00
A lamp such as this might have lit homes when the Roman Empire ruled the world. A metaphor of joy and prosperity, for hope, for life itself, lamps have illuminated the path  More »
 Ancient Roman
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Price : $300.00
A lamp such as this might have lit homes when the Roman Empire ruled the world. A metaphor of joy and prosperity, for hope, for life itself, lamps have illuminated the path  More »
 Ancient Roman
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Price : $750.00
Most antiquities are clues to ancient lives and experience, and it is up to the modern imagination to fill in the blanks created by the passage of centuries. This mold was  More »
 Ancient Roman
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Price : $1500.00
In the Roman Empire, the clay oil lamp was as common as the light bulb is today. Often decorated with lively patterns pressed into the clay, they brought light to the homes  More »
 Ancient Roman
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