Art Deco Accessories

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Price : Contact Dealer
Camille Faure Enamel - Design 1930's Width 25.5in., Height 11.5in
 Art Deco Accessories
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Price : $480.00
Circa 1930. Marble basis. Excellent condition. Nice cubist design. 13cm x 11cm x 8cm 5.1" x 4.3" x 3.1"
 Art Deco Accessories
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Price : $380.00
Hard to find pair of book ends with horses. Very nice sculpture close to hood ornament mascots from the same period. Each bookend is 16cm x 8cm x 13cm ( 6.3" x 3.1" x 5.1").
 Art Deco Accessories
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Price : $480.00
Large pair of art deco bookends with greyhounds. Excellent condition. Each bookend is 7.5" x 4.5" x 10" high
 Art Deco Accessories
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Price : $880.00
Wonderful art deco modernist bronze sculpture of Leda and the Swan myth. Very close to Hagenhauer style. No visible signature. Original "portor" marble basis. Excellent  More »
 Art Deco Accessories
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Price : $320.00
Wonderful and elegant pair of bookends with swallows. Nickel plated bronze sculptures and wood basis.
 Art Deco Accessories
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Price : $250.00
Art deco bookends by french artist Franjou. Signed in metal. Marble basis. 4"3/4 x 6"1/2 x 3"
 Art Deco Accessories
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Price : Contact Dealer
Strong art deco marble and bronze clock with 2 side vases Excellent condition. 24"x 13"x 6
 Art Deco Accessories
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Price : $350.00
Art deco modernist clock. Manufactured by BAYARD. Metall, glass and marble. Mecanical windup. Excellent condition. Works fine. 8" 3/4 high
 Art Deco Accessories
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Price : $550.00
Close to Jacques Adnet work. Nickel plated brass. Excellent condition. Mirror glass should be replaced for perfect condition. 14" high. 12" diamter for the disc.
 Art Deco Accessories
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