Antique Vintage Glass

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Antique #1143142
Antique #1120464
Antique #1120471
Antique #1068670
Antique #1145019
Antique #37641
Antique #1119789
Antique #37640
Antique #1121614
Antique #1068682
Antique #1091071
Antique #1120822
Antique #37632
Antique #1068790
Antique #37652
Antique #1124312
Antique #1119812
Antique #1068652
Antique #1121073
Antique #1068651
Antique #1068692
Antique #1068788
Antique #1120419
Antique #1146557
Antique #1121169
Antique #1068787
Antique #1068784
Antique #1124343
Antique #1124287
Antique #1151520
Antique #1124252
Antique #1068502
Antique #1068667
Antique #1130779
Antique #1120676
Antique #1101657
Antique #1068842
Antique #37650
Antique #1120466
Antique #1124274
Antique #37644
Antique #1068706
Antique #1124224
Antique #1124279
Antique #1068514
Antique #1122625
Antique #1120609
Antique #1124311
Antique #1124225
Antique #1068704
Antique #1068795
Antique #1121828



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You have two options for searching. The first option is "Exact Phrase". This will attempt to match your search phrase against all the titles in our database. For instance, if you search on "federal card table" you will only get search results where those three words are exactly in that order in the title of an item. This is a strict search result.

The second option is "Anywhere in Title". Using the same search phrase "federal card table" you will get search results that have those three words in the title, in any order. This is a looser search result and will generally return more items.

When deciding on a search phrase keep in mind that your phrase must be in the title of an item in our database in order for your search to generate results.

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