Antique Antique Architectural Hardware

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Antique #1084494
Antique #1139710
Antique #1094814
Antique #29521
Antique #1111811
Antique #1136013
Antique #1094485
Antique #1138370
Antique #1119810
Antique #1084847
Antique #29524
Antique #1085198
Antique #1084640
Antique #29522
Antique #1127802
Antique #1125298
Antique #24838
Antique #1134551
Antique #29523
Antique #1139749
Antique #1094839
Antique #1126147
Antique #1084303
Antique #1085013
Antique #1084668
Antique #1139745
Antique #1136966
Antique #1085208
Antique #1134324
Antique #1135253
Antique #34565
Antique #1137822
Antique #1137623
Antique #1125128
Antique #1128838
Antique #1127148
Antique #1137308
Antique #1131590
Antique #1137834
Antique #1132771
Antique #1125625
Antique #1136313
Antique #1116687
Antique #1137282
Antique #1135254
Antique #1130832
Antique #1131832
Antique #1128677
Antique #1133680
Antique #1127150
Antique #1134926
Antique #1137307



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The second option is "Anywhere in Title". Using the same search phrase "federal card table" you will get search results that have those three words in the title, in any order. This is a looser search result and will generally return more items.

When deciding on a search phrase keep in mind that your phrase must be in the title of an item in our database in order for your search to generate results.

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