Antique Holiday Items

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Price : $50.00
King Creche Figure. White; green; red; brown; black; gold leaf. Chalkware. The figure wears a red turban and shoes, green pants, white shirt and is has a dark completion. He  More »
 Antique Holiday Items
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Price : $50.00
Creche Figure. Brown; green; blue; white; gray; black; flesh. Ceramic. The kneeling figure holds a blue hat and wears a brown cloak over a white shirt. He has gray beard and  More »
 Antique Holiday Items
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Price : $65.00
Creche Figure. Brown; green; violet; tan; black; flesh. Composition. The kneeling figure wears a violet shirt, brown and light green cloak, and black sandals. He has light  More »
 Antique Holiday Items
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Price : $60.00
Shepherd Creche Figure. Yellow; brown; white; black; purple; green; red. Composition. The shepherd carries a lamb on his shoulders and stands on a green base. He wears a  More »
 Antique Holiday Items
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Price : $55.00
Creche Figure. Gray; white; black; brown; orange; red.. Composition. The man wears a brown robe, gray cloak, orange shoes and has long white beard and hair. He is on a black  More »
 Antique Holiday Items
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Price : $60.00
King Creche Figure. Yellow; red; gray; black; brown; flesh. Composition. The king wears a yellow robe trimmed in red, a black cloak, brown shoes and carries a gray sack. The  More »
 Antique Holiday Items
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Price : $85.00
Norman Rockwell Literary Digest Cover. Multi-colored. Paper; glass; wood. This framed cover is a Christmas scene of two WWI American Marines giving gifts and dinner to a  More »
 Antique Holiday Items
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Price : $50.00
Christmas Dinner from Harper's Weekly. Black; cream. Paper. This original full page engraving is a series of sketches. It is titled, "Christmas Dinner To The Newsboys and  More »
 Antique Holiday Items
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Price : $40.00
Engraving from Harper's Weekly. Black; cream. Paper. This original engraving is titled, "Going To A Christmas Dinner One Hundred Years Ago." It shows a coach and four horse  More »
 Antique Holiday Items
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Price : $40.00
A. B. Frost Engraving from Harper's Weekly. Black; cream. Paper. This original engraving is titled, "Thank Goodness, Christmas Comes But Once A Year!--Drawn by A. B. Frost."  More »
 Antique Holiday Items
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