Antique Stereocards

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Price : $17.50
Interior of U. S. Odservatory, Mr. Washington. Condition: very good; Circa: 1900; Heigth: 3.5''; Width: 7''
 Antique Stereocards
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Price : $8.00
Light Railway and Hillside Dugouts near La Harazee, Argonne, Forest during WWI. Condition: very good; Circa: 1920; Heigth: 3.5''; Width: 7''
 Antique Stereocards
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Price : $12.00
This stereoview is a little light but of great interest with the fireplace, Victorian platform rocker, the textiles and the child praying. Condition: good; Circa: 1900;  More »
 Antique Stereocards
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Price : $19.50
Darling little boy hitched to a billy goat who has snatched a paper out of the boy''s hand. Condition: very good; Circa: 1899; Heigth: 3.5''; Width: 7''
 Antique Stereocards
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Price : $7.50
Three children ''lost'' in the snowy mountains! Condition: very good; Circa: 1890; Heigth: 3.5''; Width: 7''
 Antique Stereocards
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Price : $9.50
Stereo view of a young Victorian couple talking at the gate. Condition: very good; Circa: 1892; Heigth: 3.5''; Width: 7''
 Antique Stereocards
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Price : $8.50
Vignette Stereo view of a baby laying down with her puppy on a Victorian chaise lounge. Condition: very good; Circa: 1892; Heigth: 3.5''; Width: 7''
 Antique Stereocards
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Price : $12.50
A great stereoview of children, animals and two Victorian women in the background in lovely Victorian dresses. Condition: very good; Circa: 1891; Heigth: 3.5''; Width: 7''
 Antique Stereocards
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Price : $9.50
Great stereo view by B. L. Lingley of a little Victorian girl among the lilies. Condition: very good; Circa: 1896; Heigth: 3.5''; Width: 7''
 Antique Stereocards
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Price : $12.50
Great stereo view of children playing ''family life'' Condition: very good; Circa: 1897; Heigth: 3.5''; Width: 7''
 Antique Stereocards
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