Antique Stereocards

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Price : $21.50
Some of Montcalm''s Soldiers - The Pageants - Quebec Tercentenary, July 1908 Condition: very good; Circa: 1908; Heigth: 3.5''; Width: 7''
 Antique Stereocards
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Price : $15.00
A Cattle Round-up in Arizona. Condition: very good; Circa: 1900; Heigth: 3.5''; Width: 7''
 Antique Stereocards
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Price : $20.00
Early oilwells, complete with the office building and the automobile. Condition: very good; Circa: 1900; Heigth: 3.5''; Width: 7''
 Antique Stereocards
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Price : $11.00
''Captured at Last'' is the title of this cute stereoview of a little girl in her Easter bonnet holding a pair of bunnies. Condition: very good; Circa: 1903; Heigth: 3.5'';  More »
 Antique Stereocards
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Price : $11.00
A family rests on the lawn of the Home for Veterans in Washington D.C. Three boys in straw hats with one leaning on a cannon. Condition: very good; Circa: 1900; Heigth:  More »
 Antique Stereocards
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Price : $30.00
GREAT STEREOVIEW PHOTO OF JAPANESE GENERAL... NOGI! Condition: very good; Circa: 1904; Heigth: 3.5''; Width: 7''
 Antique Stereocards
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Price : $25.00
GREAT STEREOVIEW OF THE INTERIOR OF AN OLD MARKET. Social Studies unit of community and a modern market Condition: very good; Circa: 1930; Heigth: 3.5''; Width: 7''
 Antique Stereocards
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Price : $17.50
Social Studies unit of community and a fruit and vetetable dealer in an outside view, used in the Fresno County School District. Condition: very good; Circa: 1930; Heigth:  More »
 Antique Stereocards
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Price : $29.50
COMICAL STEREOVIEW PAIR OF a YOUNG VICTORIAN COUPLE who have fallen asleep in the PARLOR, and get caught by her parents... A BIG NO NO in the Victorian Era! Condition: very  More »
 Antique Stereocards
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Price : $35.00
INTERESTING STEREOVIEW OF DR. CASTER''S INFIRMARY... Ottumwa, Iowa. The view features several horse and buggys in the foreground, and the CASTER HOUSE in the background.  More »
 Antique Stereocards
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